Editing a Customer Ship-To Address

You are able to edit a customer's shipping address at the Manage Customers page. To edit a customer's shipping address, refer to the steps that follow:

  1. Select Manage > Customers to reach the Manage Customers page.
  2. Click the Expand icon to the left of the customer.Expand icon
  3. The Ship-To Addresses nested grid is displayed for this customer.

Ship-To Addresses Grid for Customer

  1. Each ship-to address contains an Edit, Add, and Delete icon to the far right.

Ship-To Addresses Grid for a Customer

  1. To edit an address, select the address's Edit icon.Edit icon
  2. The full address appears onscreen. You are able to make changes to it.

Ship-To Addresses Grid for a Customer

  1. Save icon: click the Save icon Save icon to save the changes to the ship-to address.
    1. Cancel icon: select the Cancel icon Cancel icon to discard the changes to the ship-to address.
  2. When you select the Save icon, the Ship-To Addresses nested grid closes and the address in the ship-to address is updated.